我成舔狗了12 (第3/3页)
ssed” (“我却沉醉至此执迷不悟”) 他以为自己在做梦。 “Gave you all of me,and now holy,I got nothing left” (“将生命中的所有都双手奉上我已身无长物”) 在梦里的话,做什么都可以的。 “Cause I loved you dangerously” (“明知深陷危机之中我仍爱你不渝”) 所以他伸手,像是无数次在梦里做过一样的。 他吻了沉清。 “More than the air that I breathe” (“你于我而言早已胜过呼吸”) “Kneould crash at the speed that we were going” (“即便结局也许暗藏险境我们心照不宣抓紧时间相爱”) 吻上去之后就发现了,这并不是梦境。 “Didn't care if the explosion ruined me” (“我从不在乎结果是否四分五裂”) 沉清似乎被吓到了,没有反应过来。 “Baby,I loved you dangerously” (“即便最终支离破碎我仍要爱你”) 他应该松开,然后向沉清道歉,装作是意外,说些睡糊涂了之类的话。 “You took me down,down,down,down” (“你让我置身无边深渊”) 可他不想。 “And kissed my lips with goodbye” (“施予一吻轻易脱身”) 沉清把他推开了。 “I see it no,now” (“我想如今我该清醒了”) “哈哈,”沉清有些尴尬地笑了两声“你睡迷糊了吧。” “It was a matter of time” (“时间长久流逝我总会清醒”) 云梵希“嗯”了一声,像是迟钝了两秒又说了声“对不起。” “But you are the fire,I'm gasoline” (“你是燎原之火我是助燃之油热浪焚尽只存余烬”) 沉清干笑着“没事没事,去床上躺着睡吧,别感冒了。” 沉清落荒而逃。 房间里的音乐还在放着。 I love you,I love you,I love you 但我仍该死的无可救药的深爱着你 I loved you dangerously 即便肝肠寸断我只选择爱你 Ooh,more than the air that I breathe 你于我而言胜过生命中的每一次呼吸 Oh now,kneould crash at the speed that we were going 即便继续下去我们将走向分崩离析 Didn't care the explosion ruined me 我想我不会在意支离繁碎 Oh,oh baby,I loved you dangerously 即便终归分别在此之前我仍愿爱你在每刻 Mmmm,mmmm Ooh,I loved you dangerously 即便如此我依旧深爱着你 Ooh ooh,I loved you dangerously 即便心碎不已我仍爱你如初